Why should you hire a Financial Planner?

The number of Financial Planners in India has steadily been on the rise because people are able to realize the value that financial planners are able to add to their Financial Life. Financial Planners can be broadly classified into 2 categories: Fee-Based Financial Advisor and Fee-only Financial Advisors, both of them will ultimately help you with Financial Planning however each category has its own drawbacks and advantages which is out of the scope of this blog.

In simple terms, Financial Advisors are professionals who draw a financial plan for their clients and assist them in making investment decisions which are aligned to their financial goals and maintain a periodic check over the portfolio.

In this blog we will discuss 4 reasons why each and every one of us should be assisted by a Financial Advisor. Let us dive straight into the topic without any further delay.



Financial Planners are the ones who are in constant touch with the market and know the in and out of every investment avenue. We all have some or the other Financial goals in our life may it be Kid’s education, Children’s marriage, Retirement and etc after years of investing for a particular goal you realize you have chosen the wrong investment avenue or you have fallen way short of your goal due to inadequate planning, won’t it be less than a heart attack for you?

Financial Planners can help you solve this problem altogether as their expertise will guide them to build an accurate financial plan providing for a cushion if things go south along with assisting you choose the right investment avenue and reviewing it periodically.


Our life has got extremely busy nowadays and because of various other responsibilities we often do not get time to plan out our finances. The irony is that people spend 8 hours a day to earn money but they do not spare 10 minutes a week to device a plan to manage it.

We as Financial Planner have seen the harsh reality where crores of rupees are stuffed into the savings account of individuals only because they do not have the time to manage it.

Financial Planners can come in handy at this point of time because they will figure out ways to invest your ideal money so that it grows at the same time ensuring you have enough liquidity to meet any emergencies.

A Financial Planner can help you strike a perfect balance in your portfolio by allocating your wealth in various asset classes as per your need. Why not delegate tasks whenever possible?

Even the tops athletes of the world need a coach in order to keep them motivated and make sure that they are at the top of their game and see to it that momentum is not being lost.


To make it clear at the start, I am not saying that all the financial planners in the industry place their client’s interest first however talking from the perspective of the entire industry (except a few) I believe that Financial Planners have always placed their client’s interest first.

The main goal of the financial planner is to make sure he is able to achieve the financial goal of his client and not to earn profits for him. You will get un-biased advice from Financial Planners.

Before selecting a Financial Planner, it is imperative that you do your own study regarding the background of the financial planner and try to get some references before taking a final decision.


We often have the mentality to chase quick money and if we see certain stocks performing well, we instantly rush in to buy the stocks based on tips and recommendations only to realize that you have lost it all.

Financial Planners help us to keep our Financial Behavior in check by warning us of the possible dangers of chasing quick money, the theory advocated by them is “Don’t try to time the market, rather invest with discipline regularly”

Financial Planners also advocate the theory of keeping emotions aside while investing thus preventing you from withdrawing from the market when panic sets in and it starts to fall.


We at Mitra.money believe that achieving Financial Freedom is everyone’s right and the process could easily be fastened if you hire a financial planner who will take care of all your finances by providing you un-biased advice. Financial Advisors not only influence our financial behaviour positively but also help us to identify our goals and draw a financial plan which indicates the amount we need to save every month to achieve the goal.

We have had a proven track record of generating healthy returns for our clients by maintaining a well-diversified portfolio. Our team of Financial Experts will be able to guide you in selecting the right investment products as per your needs. If you have any doubts regarding the same feel free to get in touch with us.